GUIDE - How to hang wallpaper

Learn how to hang wallpaper from Lim & Handtryck!  Lim & Handtryck wallpapers are handcrafted by fourth-generation wallpaper makers. The company produces wallpaper on a small scale using only environmentally friendly materials and methods and operates out of a small factory located on the west coast of Sweden. The wallpaper is printed using a special collograph press called the "Rosenmaskinen" (rose machine) which dates back to the end of the 19th century. The matte adhesive color is manufactured with mineral and soil pigments using the factory's own recipe. The printing methods (block and roll printing) and the unique colors create timeless patterns with a beautiful luster and depth.

These beautiful wallpapers require a little extra time and care when hanging. Follow this guide for the best results!

Step-by-step guide to hanging wallpaper

1. Using Lim & Handtryck's special wallpaper glue, add 4 liters (1 gallon) of water to the appropriate amount of glue powder from the bag and stir vigorously until completely dissolved. Let the solution thicken for at least an hour. Add more water if needed to achieve the desired consistency (no more than 1 liter or approximately 1 quart). The paste should have a "sticky" consistency.

2. The wallpaper needs to be trimmed along the edges. The easiest way to trim the wallpaper is as follows: cut the length of the sheet of wallpaper (making sure to factor in the pattern repeat size), lay it on a smooth working surface with the back side up, apply a generous amount of paste and fold the short sides towards each other.

3. Let the paste soak in while the wallpaper is double-folded (white backing 10 minutes, gray backing 5 minutes), and trim the excess edges. Cut approximately 5 mm outside the pattern on the underlying side and approximately 1-1.5 mm into the pattern on the overlapping side. It is helpful to use a track ruler with a cutter block. Remember to change the blades often. Don't be afraid to cut the wallpaper double-folded as the crease will flatten out when the wallpaper is hung and smoothed out.

4. Hang the first sheet where the natural light enters the room. By doing this, the light will fall on the joint, making overlapping almost invisible. Make sure the wallpaper is hung with an overlap of about 5-12 mm, as indicated in the instructions. Brush a little extra paste on the outer edge of the underlying wallpaper before hanging the overlapping length.

5. Use a wallpaper brush to smooth down the paper. A plastic scraper or a roller can also be used to smooth the paper and remove any air bubbles.

6. After each sheet of wallpaper is hung, gently wipe down the entire strip with cold/lukewarm clean water and a sponge. Use a light touch and sweeping movements, making sure to remove any residual glue from around the seams.

7. Enjoy your beautiful results!

Here is what you'll need:

  • Wallpaper table (a plywood sheet on a regular table works well)
  • Ruler - Preferably a track ruler with cutter block.
  • Cutter block. (If you do not have a track ruler, you can use a wallpaper knife instead)
  • Bucket for mixing the paste.
  • Wallpaper paste whisk
  • Wallpaper glue - we recommend our own brand in powder form.
  • Large brush - for applying the glue to the back of the wallpaper and on small joints.
  • Sweeping brush (works well with plastic smoothing tools) - to smooth down the wallpaper
  • Extra cutting blades and scissors - for cutting joints, in corners, etc.
  • Sponge and bucket - for washing
  • Good lighting - preferably a work lamp for directional lighting.

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